Sending Mobile App Push Notifications

Sending Mobile App Push Notifications

Here is how you can easily send out a Mobile App Push Notification


Step By Step

  1. Accessing the Notification Interface:

    • Navigate to the "Posts" section.
    • Click on "Add New" to create a new post.
  2. Setting Title for Notification:

    • Enter the desired title for the notification. Note: This title will be displayed on the notification that appears on users' phones.
  3. Adding Description:

    • In the post body, add a brief description providing more details about the notification.

    • Example: "Join us tonight for worship!"

    • Optional: Add additional information or details as needed.

  4. Including Featured Image:

    • If desired, add a featured image to the post.
    • This image will be displayed along with the notification.
  5. Enabling Mobile Push Notification:

    • Ensure the "Mobile Push Notification" option is selected or checked.
    • This ensures the post is sent out as a push notification to users.
  6. Publishing the Notification:

    • Click on the "Publish" button to make the notification live.
    • Note: The push notification may take 15-20 minutes to be sent, depending on the platform's update cycle.
  7. Setting Post Expiration:

    • To avoid clutter in the app's notification tab, set a post expiration date.
    • This is recommended to manage the notifications efficiently.
  8. Additional Considerations:

    • Regularly manage post expirations to keep the notification tab organized.
    • Be mindful of the content as it directly influences the user's notification experience.
  9. Handling Forms in Notifications:

    • Due to limitations, forms cannot be directly added within the app through push notifications.
    • Instead, consider adding a link to a form in the post body.
    • Format the link for easy visibility using headings or formatting options.
  10. Adding Links to Notifications:

    • If including external links, copy and paste the link into the post body.
    • Enhance visibility by formatting the link using heading options or making it bold.
  11. Conclusion:

    • Ensure to follow these steps to effectively send mobile push notifications to users.
    • Keep content concise and relevant for an optimal user experience.

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