How to Edit Text and Font on your Tent Apps Wesbsite

How to Edit Text and Font on Your Tent Apps Website

  1. Log in to your Tent Apps website
  2. Navigate to the page with the text you want to edit
  3. Click "Enable Visual Builder"
  4. Hover over the text you want to edit
    1. Click the Module Settings wheel in the black box that appears
  5. Once the Text Module Setting box appears, hover over the text you want to edit
    1. Click the blue paintbrush that appears at the top left of the text box
    2. In the Text Module Settings box, this will take you directly to the area to edit this text
  6. In the Text Module Settings box, there are all kinds of adjustments you can make including:
    1. Color
    2. Font
    3. Size
    4. Space between letters
    5. Space between lines
    6. and more
If you have any trouble with this or get stuck, submit a support ticket to and we will help get you going!

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