Login to TentApps Dashboard:
Navigate to the TentApps website.
Log in using your credentials.
Access Newsletters Section:
Hover over to the "Newsletters" tab.
Navigate to Forms:
Within the Newsletters section, locate and hover over the "Forms" option.
Create a New Form:
Click on "New Form."
Choose a Template:
Review the available templates for pop-up forms.
Select a suitable template.
Sub Steps:
Explore options like pop-ups, slide-ins, and fixed bars.
Choose the preferred style based on your preferences.
Edit Form Content:
Hover over the form content and make necessary edits.
Modify text, such as the call-to-action and form fields.
Sub Steps:
Adjust settings like font size, font style, background color, and more.
Explore the option to change the style of the close button.
Form Placement:
Access "Form Placement" to customize where the pop-up appears.
Choose between pop-ups, slides, or other placement options.
Set Form Settings:
Go back to "Form Settings."
Select the newsletter list that subscribers will be added to.
Sub Steps:
Customize the confirmation message shown after sign-up.
Tailor the message to encourage engagement.
Add Form Sections:
Click on the plus sign to add blocks.
Select additional information to gather, such as first name and last name.
Sub Steps:
Drag and drop form sections to arrange them as desired.
Modify section labels for clarity.
Preview and Save:
Click "Save" once satisfied with the form.
Use the "Preview" button to review how the form will appear on both desktop and mobile devices.
Final Adjustments:
Make any final adjustments based on the preview.
Adjust Display Settings:
Explore display settings, including delay time and animation effects.
Sub Steps:
Consider adjusting the delay time for the pop-up appearance.
Experiment with different animation effects.
Save Changes:
Save any additional changes made during the adjustment phase.