Change link color on website

Change link color on website

This video provides a concise walkthrough on how to change the link color on a website's backend settings, ensuring clarity and effective visual presentation.



Access Backend and Settings

  • Log in to the backend of the website.

  • Select the module with the link that you would like to edit.

  • Click on "Settings".

Navigate to Design Settings

  • Locate and click on "Design" tab.

Modify Text Color

  • Find the option to edit text color.

    • Click on the text element where the link color needs to be changed.

Select New Color

  • Choose the desired color from the color palette.

    • Ensure the color is visible and contrasts well with the background.

Adjust Hover Color (Optional)

  • If needed, set a different color for when the link is hovered over.

    • Select the hover state option.

    • Choose a color that complements the main color.

Save Changes

  • Click on the check button or equivalent to apply the changes.

  • Save the page or settings to confirm modifications.

Final Check and Support

  • Verify the link color change on the live website.

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