Accessing Tent Apps Dashboard:
Log in to the Tent Apps dashboard using your credentials.
2. Navigating to Subscribers:
Hover over the "Newsletters" tab in the dashboard.
Click on "Subscribers" in the dropdown menu.
3. Adding Individual Subscribers:
Choose the option to add a new subscriber individually.
Enter the subscriber's email, first name, last name.
Select the appropriate list to categorize the subscriber.
Set the subscriber's status as "Subscribed."
4. Importing Subscribers from a CSV File:
If you have an existing mailing list in CSV format, follow these steps:
Click on the "Import" button.
Proceed to import.
Choose "Upload a File."
Select the CSV file and click "Next Step."
5. Review and Confirm Imported Subscribers:
Confirm that the imported list displays correctly.
Verify the names and email addresses from the CSV file.
6. Assigning Lists and Updating Subscribers:
Choose the specific list to which you want to subscribe the imported users.
Ensure all imported subscribers are marked as "Subscribed."
Consider updating existing subscribers to "Subscribed" as well.
7. Handling Duplicate Subscribers:
Decide whether to update existing subscribers with the same email or name.
Keep the default setting to update (consolidate) duplicates.
Choose "No" if you prefer not to update duplicates.
8. Finalizing the Import:
Click the "Import" button to complete the process.
9. Verifying Imported Subscribers:
Go to "View Subscribers" to ensure the successful addition of subscribers.
Confirm that the names and email addresses from the CSV file are now part of your subscriber list.
10. Additional Support:
For any questions or assistance, reach out to Tent Apps support at
Note: Tent Apps allows up to 1000 subscribers on the free plan, making it convenient to manage a sizable congregation. For further inquiries or support, contact Tent Apps at